Thomas in Pictures

Thomas performs New Year’s Eve 2019.

a man playing a piano in front of a christmas tree

Thomas teaching class in 2021.

a man wearing a face mask in a classroom

From You Are The One 2004

a man wearing a yellow and white checkered shirt
a man holding a dog on a picnic table

Enjoying Walnut Cake in Walnut Grove, Kentucky with his best friend, Ruthie!

Right: Performing Live at The MildreD Owen Concert Hall, Pacifica, CA


Left: New Year’s Eve 2022. 7th Ave. Presbyterian Church

a group of people singing in a church with christmas decorations
a man in a black shirt holding a microphone
a man holding a can in front of a dog

Above: Thomas and Ruthie on the farm in Eastern Kentucky with a favorite Kentucky beverage.

Below: Thomas performs in 2006 at a benefit for his school.

a man singing into a microphone on stage
a man wearing a vest and tie


a man in silver pants singing into a microphone


Performing at Louisville Gardens 1999

a man wearing a purple and black striped shirt
a man speaking into a microphone in front of poinsettias

New Year’s Eve Show 2019.

7th Avenue Presbyterian Church Benefit Concert.

Thomas with the cast of “Use What You Got!” A musical review of various songs performed at the Mildred Owen Arts Center in Pacifica, California. 2009

a man in a plaid shirt posing for a picture
a group of people in formal attire posing for a photo


a poster for the use what you got concert
a man wearing a purple and green sweater

France, 2008

a man leaning against a wall next to a body of water
a man and a woman posing for a photo

2018 with Melissa Manchester, One of my biggest influences. She was such a wonderful person to meet!